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Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Rencong... Traditional Weapon of Aceh


    This is the traditional weapon of Aceh. Aceh is also called Mecca porch or “ground rencong”.  why is called ground rencong? ... the answer is Because of the history and popularity Rencong, the world community Aceh dub as "Land Rencong". Currently Rencong has been proposed as a UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Works by Preservation Hall Cultural Values ​​(BPNB) Aceh. Rencong (Acehnese: Rintjong) is a traditional weapon belonging to tribe Aceh.Rencong a symbol of identity, courage, and strength of parts of Aceh.


Rencong a traditional weapon used in the Sultanate of Aceh since the reign of Sultan Ali Shah Mughayat which is the first Sultan of Aceh. Rencong notch in the Sultanate of Aceh is very important, always tucked in the waist Rencong Sultan of Aceh, besides the Ulee Balang and ordinary people also use Rencong. Gold Rencong the Sultan of Aceh can be encountered in Aceh History Museum, from historical evidence, we can conclude that Rencong had been born since the Sultanate of Aceh but first makers until now unknown.

Philosophy forms rencong

Rencong has many levels, for the Sultan made ​​of engraved gold sekutip holy verses of the Qur'an, while the other Rencong usually made ​​of silver, brass, white metal, wood and ivory. Rencong-shaped form of the phrase bismillah, a curved handle and then thicken the elbow is Arabic script Ba, Sin handle is a script, which decreases downward taper shape in the base metal near the handle is a script Mim, strip iron from the base of the handle until near the end is a script Lam, tapered end with an upper flat plains and slightly above the bottom of an alphabet Ha.

Separate chain of letters Ba, Sin, Lam, Ha and realize that the phrase Bismillah. So the blacksmith who first made ​​a rencong, besides clever maqrifat iron also has a high knowledge of calligraphy. Therefore, rencong not used to the little things that are not important, let alone every cruel, but rencong only be used to defend against enemy attacks and fight in the cause of Allah.

Acehnese people connect with the mystical powers Rencong weapons. Rencong still used and worn as a fashion attribute in any traditional ceremonies Aceh. In the custom event Sultanate of Aceh, Rencong normally used when the wedding ceremony, meugang, Peusijuk, Tung Dara Baro, and in any other important event.

Type Rencong

1. Rencong Meucugek
Meucugek rencong called because the handle of the rencong there is a form of archery and adhesives in terms of Aceh called cugek or meucugek.

2. Rencong Meupucok
Rencong shoots above the handle is made of metal engraving in general of ivory or gold. The base of the handle decorated with gold patterned tumpal (with bamboo shoots pucok) and given ditampuk jewel hilt, rencong overall length of about 30 cm. Gloves rencong also made ​​of ivory and given a bond to gold. Blades made of white metal.

3. Rencong Pudoi
Pudoi term in Acehnese society is something that is deemed to be deficient or there are not perfect. The handle of the rencong and short straight just once. So, is pudoi or rudimentary form of the handle is on the rencong.

4. Rencong Meukure

rencong difference with other types rencong is in the eye rencong. Ornate rencong eyes such as pictures of snakes, centipedes and other flowers. (various sources)