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Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

Traditional Weapons Central Java (Indonesia)

Hallooooo...After I discussed the traditional weapon of West Java is Kujang, now I will discuss about the central Javanese traditional weapons. Central Java has a traditional weapon keris.

Keris is a dagger stabbing weapon class (pointy and sharp on both sides) with many cultural functions are known in the western and central archipelago. The shape is distinctive and easily distinguished from other sharp weapons because it is not symmetrical at the base of the dilated, often winding blade, and many of them have the prestige (Damascene), is visible fibers of a bright metallic finish on slats strands.

In the past keris serves as a weapon in a duel / battle, as well as complementary offerings objects. In use today, is more of a keris accessory items (ageman) in dressing, has a number of cultural symbols, or becoming a collector's item that is assessed in terms of aesthetics.

Use of keris spread on area dwellers who never affected by the Majapahit, such as Java, Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Borneo coast, parts of Sulawesi, the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand and southern Philippines (Mindanao). Keris Mindanao known as dull. Keris in each region has its own peculiarities in appearance, function, technique filmed, and terminology. In traditional Javanese keris is not only regarded as a traditional weapon that has a unique shape and prestige.

Keris is considered as the completeness of spiritual culture. Keris is a traditional weapon Javanese also the symbol of male virility. Symbolically keris symbolizes maturity, courage and virility traditional Javanese man must be strong and able to protect themselves, their families, or to defend the country.

In the past, keris is also used as a symbol of identity, be it for yourself, family, or klan.Keris has a characteristic that symbolizes the excess of their personality or character within the wider community. A long time ago in the days of the kingdoms, the token keris.Keris high value is most valuable is the provision of a Javanese king to his officers or courtiers. In such an environment could be a symbol of royal rank keris. Keris king differ from subordinate officers or courtiers. Not only keris blades are different but also the details of jewelery is different complementary devices. Keris is Considered as the completeness of spiritual culture. Keris is a traditional weapon Javanese also the symbol of male Virility. Symbolically keris symbolizes maturity, courage and Virility traditional Javanese man must be strong and Able to protect Themselves, their families, or to defend the country.

Keris Indonesia has been listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage of Human Non-material since 2005.

Base metals used in the making of keris there are two kinds of metals ferrous metals and metal prestige, while pesi keris made ​​of steel. To make light of the master always combine these basic ingredients with other metals. Keris present (NEM-Neman, made ​​since the 20th century) usually wear metallic nickel prestige. Past Keris (keris kuna) which both have the prestige metal meteorite known to have a high content of titanium, in addition to nickel, cobalt, silver, tin, chromium, antimony, and copper. Meteorite is the famous Prambanan meteorite, which never falls on the 19th century temple complex at Prambanan.


Keris vary from one master to another master, but there is a procedure that usually resemble. Here is a brief process according to one of the libraries. Blade of iron as a raw material or heated to glowing diwasuh then forged repeatedly to get rid of impurities (eg, carbon and various oxides). Once clean, the blades folded like the letter U for material prestige plates inserted in it.

Furthermore, these folds back heated and forged. Once attached and elongated, folded and forged this mixture back repeatedly. How, strength, and position forge, and the number of folds will affect the prestige that appears later. This process is called Saton. Final form is elongated slab. The slab is then cut into two parts, called kodhokan. The steel plates are then placed in between the two kodhokan like sandwich bread, then tied dipijarkan and forged to unite. Kodhokan tip then made ​​slightly elongated to be cut and used marijuana. The next stage is to form pesi, bengkek (gandhik candidate), and the final form is berluk or straight blades. Making luk performed by heating.

The next stage is the manufacture of ornaments (ricikan) by working on specific parts using a miser, grinding, and drilling, according to dhapur keris to be made. Done with a reasonable Silak hone blades to see prestige formed. Ganja was made to follow the bottom slats. Customized hole size in diameter pesi.
The last stage, the plating, metal keris be done so that the steel metal. In the Philippines keris not done this process. Gilding ("consider smb. Head metal") performed by inserting blades into a mixture of sulfur, salt, and lime juice (called Kamalan). Plating can also be done with a keris anneal then dipped into a liquid (water, salt water, or oil, depending on the experience that makes the professor). Gilding the action should be done with caution because if one can make a keris crack.


Provision of arsenic and fragrance oils carried as keris care in general. Care keris in Javanese tradition performed each year, usually in the month of Muharram / ​​Sura, although this is not a requirement. keris term care is "bathe" keris, though in fact done is to remove the old fragrance oil and rust on the blade keris, usually with acid (traditionally use coconut juice, noni fruit crushed, or lime juice). Blades that have been cleaned and then given arsenic as necessary to reinforce the prestige, cleaned again, and then given a fragrance oil to protect from rust new keris. This fragrance oil is traditionally use jasmine oil or sandalwood oil is diluted in coconut oil.

Some terms in this section is taken from Javanese tradition, which is available only as a reference.
Keris or dhuwung consists of three main parts, is blades (wilah or leaf keris), ganja ("backbone"), and upstream keris (engraving, keris handles). The part that should be there is the bar. Hulu may keris separately or together with the blades. Ganja does not always exist, but a good kris always have it. Keris as a weapon and a ceremonial instrument is protected by a sheath or sheath.

Keris is a major part of which is the identification of a keris. Knowledge of the form (dhapur) or morphology keris becomes important for identification purposes. keris has many forms of spiritual symbols other than aesthetic value. General things to consider in the morphology keris is a bend (luk), ornaments (ricikan), color or beam blades, as well as patterns of prestige. The combination of these components resulted in a number of standard forms (dhapur) dagger that many libraries described in the keris.

Effect of time making style influence. keris-making style is reflected in the concept of tough, which is usually associated with the periodization of history and geography, as well as the masters who make.

Upstream or keris grip

A keris with a handle shaped Semar
The handle keris (Javanese: gaman, or upstream keris) is a variety of motives, for the Balinese keris there that resembles a god, pedande (priest), a giant, dancer, forest hermit and there kinatah carved with gold and precious stones and usually studded with rubies. For Java keris handle, the outline consists of sirah sidekick (back of the head), Jiling, cigir, superficial, bathuk (front head), Weteng and cauliflower. For other regions that have Indinesia keris, handle different names because that is the hallmark of their respective areas.
Sheath or the sheath

Sheath, or the sheath (Banjar language: tainted), is a component of the dagger that has a specific function, especially in the social life of the Java community, not least because this is the part that is visible directly. Early sheath made ​​of wood (which is common teak, sandalwood, Timoho, and yellow). In line with the addition of the times wrangka function as a reflection of social status for its users. The uppers or ladrang-Gayaman often replaced dengangading.

Broadly speaking there are two forms of the sheath, the sheath ladrang type consisting of the parts: tweezers, lata, beard, gandek, Godong (shaped like a leaf), axle, ri and cangkring. And the other type is the type of wrangka Gayaman (Gandon) which is almost the same parts with wrangka ladrang but not terdapatangkup, Godong, and gandek.

Wilah keris

Moro Keris (kalis) of Sulu, elder and no slats not berpamor.
Wilah, wilahan, or the main part of the blade is a keris. Wilah keris was forged metal in such a way that it becomes a sharp weapon. Wilah consists of certain parts that are not the same for every wilahan, which is usually called the kitchen, or the naming of the various forms of wilah-bar (there are dozens of forms of the kitchen). For example, Virgin tall kitchen can be mentioned, jaka lola, pinarak, diadem murub, cauliflower, kebo Tedan, pudak sitegal, etc..

(://various sources)

Don't forget to stop by my site to the next post discusses traditional weapons East Java (Indonesia).
